As hackers devise more ways to penetrate networks, even small companies face ongoing security threats. Some of the most successful attacks have been through print security weaknesses. Here's what your organization can do to avoid becoming a hacker's next victim.
Print Security Basics
Your networked printers and wireless multifunction printers may not be your top priority when it comes to security, but perhaps they should be. Unless you've taken steps to correct them, print security lapses could be a serious threat throughout your organization. Fortunately, you're not without a solution.
1. Enable data encryption.
Information travels in the form of print jobs through your network from desktop computers, laptops, and mobile devices to your copiers and printers. Without encryption strategies in place, there's little to stop hackers from intercepting valuable data.
2. Enable authentications.
An unprotected multifunction system is an open invitation to hackers who can use it to sneak into networks. Once inside, criminals can work undetected for very long periods of time while they gather confidential information about your company. From financial information to protected employee HR data, there's little criminals can't access once they've entered your network.
User authentications are one way to keep unauthorized persons from accessing networked devices. Solutions like passwords, biometrics, and ID cards aren't easily bypassed, and putting them in place on all of your networked printing equipment should be a high priority.
3. Use pull printing strategies.
It's all too easy for employees to initiate a print job and then become distracted. When the printed documents contain protected information and remain unattended in print trays, there's a serious potential for compliance violations. Pull printing is a proven print security solution that requires users to authenticate on the device before finalizing print requests.
Does your company have a comprehensive print security strategy in place? For help protecting your sensitive information, contact us at Advanced Office today!