Advanced Office Blog

Quick Tips for Print Security | Advanced Office

Written by Advanced Office | May 15, 2019

Print security isn't something that happens overnight, but that doesn't mean it has to be a huge hassle. In fact, there are a few quick things you can do right now to improve print security and set yourself up for future success--so let's take a look!

Secure Print Environments

Every company strives for that perfect print environment where data security is a breeze and sensitive information is always safe. Of course, "perfect" is still a tall order--but you can get pretty close by taking efficient, savvy precautions when it comes to your printers, documents, networks, and mobile devices. Print security is just one branch on a much larger "security tree," and it's your job to keep all of those branches healthy and strong.

Luckily, there are lots of ways to improve print security without interrupting workflows or breaking the bank. Here are just a few quick suggestions!

  • Stay on top of updates.

Updates are critical for print security because they address weaknesses and vulnerabilities in your machine's software. If you don't update, you're essentially opening the door for hackers and cyber-criminals.

  • Let your printer help out.

If your printers have built-in security features that you're not utilizing, you could be missing out on all kinds of benefits. Take advantage of every "helping hand" you can get from your own machines!

  • Improve password habits.

Passwords should be long, complicated, and difficult to guess. Never leave them lying around or written on sticky-notes--and remember to change them every three months to keep print security as efficient as possible.

  • Consider authentication.

Requiring authentication before anyone can use the printer is a great way to ensure that your devices are always in the right hands. It's also simple and fast!

Print security is a long-term mission, but it doesn't have to be a chore. For more quick tips like these, contact us today!